Looking back | One year ago

Attitude Gratitude
4 min readDec 20, 2020

I have been feeling all sorts of passion lately. Rather than try to define it, and investigate the source of its nature, I’m going to ride it like a wave and write some things I’ve wanted to type out for awhile.

2020 was a big year for me, and I wanted to look back and see what lead me to where I am now. One of the many reasons I love keeping a journal is for this exact reason. I love being able to see my evolution in a written, tangible way and being able to document things that worked and things that didn’t pan out. Doing this pretty consistently for the past several years has significantly increased my intuitive abilities, and I’m manifesting much more effectively.

My disclaimer is that I’m not a financial expert, mental health professional, or anything of the sort. My ultimate intention is to share my story in a meaningful way and be a relatable presence along the journey of anyone who hears these words.

Below is the written word from my journal from this time last year (end of December). It’s just the first few pages, and then it goes on into all the stuff from 2020, which I plan on writing in a different post.

I hope you enjoy reading this and find something of value from it. I look forward to digging through more of my writings and getting them out there. Anway. I’m sending warm, loving, vibrant, caring energy to every one of you. I love you all so very deeply.

December something 2019

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Rent: 375 Rent: 375

phone: 81 Phone: 81

LES: 140 Insurance: 300

Food: 200 Student: 300

Wellness: 55 Truck: 183

Current: 7.1k

1yr: 8.5= goal

6mo 4.1k

I figured out how much my 6mo and 1yr emergency fund needed to be to explain the first page. I considered helping Dylan with his budget in the second column; however, I decided to focus on my transformation. I’m proud of where I’ve gotten myself. It’s not about the money. It’s about changing habits. Learning patience and consistency and using these experiences to drive me to be my best self. When I am doing my best, I can be of the best service to others. I want to see people happy, and I know that I can only truly experience happiness in another if I am myself. My pleasure involves a full picture of health — social, physical, spiritual, and career.


These were my social years.


I had many spiritual lessons.

2015 -2018

I got real about physical health.


I started taking my career to the next level.


It is all about balance and bringing these areas of wellbeing into a unit.

2010- The hottest mess. I survived.

2011- #####

2012- I signed my first lease. I broke up with my first long term a$$-hole bf.

2013- I kicked my long-term a-hole bf out of my first apartment. I met a new group of friends who shared the same passion for flow arts. I started my first full-time office job.

2014- The year of profound lessons through toxic relationships.

2015- New job. New career path? New man? New place?

2016- New lifestyle. Own place. Challenging job.

2017- I have concerns about my skin. I’m also preoccupied with wanting to travel.

2018- No debt, but considerably bored. I need to get real about money and defining what success means to me. I’m in a healthy relationship, and I’ve been in it for quite some time. I’ve also held down this job longer than any other.

2019- We are for sure, moving to CO. I can get a better job. I’ve saved more money than ever before; how can I make my money work for me?

2020- I deserve this.

I could go on. I believe 2020 will be a fantastic enjoyable year.

(the next few pages go on to me doing a manual audit of my spending over the entire year of 2019. I did some crazy stuff)

  1. Set gentle reminders for yourself.
  2. Keep a distraction journal.
  3. Make to-do lists and check things off.

Final thoughts going into 2020


  • Move $5k into a high yield savings account.
  • Plan a surprise 30th b-day party for my Boo.
  • Do Yoga every day
  • Take walks during work breaks.
  • Do your dental checkup!


THANKS FOR READING TILL THE END ❤ I’m open to making connections, so please leave me a comment if this struck a chord with you…also check back to see if I conquered the big ambitions I set for myself!

My deepest gratitude,


(Oh, if you want to follow me on insta: @ ok.this.one YouTube: Attitude Gratitude FB: NONE)



Attitude Gratitude

*I'm not offering any professional advice, this is simply my ideas and experiences surrounding general life style modifications * **& stuff**